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Pomerium Zero Quickstart

The Zero Quickstart shows you how to install and run Pomerium Zero in a Docker container.

Before you start

Get Pomerium Zero configuration

After you create an account, you'll be directed to the Zero onboarding screen. In the onboarding screen, select the Docker tab and copy the Docker Compose configuration.

(If you selected Finish before copying the Docker configuration, we've provided a copy below.)

Paste the configuration in a compose.yaml file:

image: pomerium/pomerium:v0.27.1
- 443:443
restart: always
XDG_CACHE_HOME: /var/cache
- pomerium-cache:/var/cache
- verify

main: {}


Replace the following values:

  • Line 8: Replace CLUSTER_TOKEN with the cluster token generated for you in the onboarding config
  • Line 15: Replace CLUSTER_STARTER_SUBDOMAIN with your generated starter subdomain
Where's my Starter Domain?

You can find your Starter Domain at the top of the Zero Console navigation bar:

Selecting the Cluster dropdown menu in the Zero Console to see the cluster starter domain

Connect to Pomerium Zero

Next, deploy Pomerium with the following command:

docker compose up -d

Pomerium will deploy and run in a special "Zero-managed" mode. In Zero-managed mode, Pomerium connects to the Pomerium Zero cloud service, a remote control plane where you can manage your deployments and configuration.

If your Pomerium deployment connects to the cloud successfully, Pomerium Zero will notify you in the onboarding screen:

The successful connection notification in the Pomerium Zero onboarding flow

Once you've connected, select Finish. You'll be directed to the Zero Console.

Troubleshoot connection issues

If you can't connect to Pomerium Zero, check out these pages for help:

Connect to upstream services

In the Zero Console, we've provisioned two starter routes, SSH and Verify, that come with their own DNS records and TLS certificates:

Viewing the two starter routes

Connect to Verify

The first service you'll access is the Verify app. This hosted demo app is designed to verify a user's identity, but it also serves as a way to validate that Pomerium is up and running as expected.

In the Zero Console, select the From URL for the Verify app.

You should land on the Verify page:

The homepage of the Verify app after the user is redirected

Build your own route

Check out Pomerium Fundamentals: Build Routes to learn how to create a route to your own service behind Pomerium.

Connect to SSH

The demo SSH route connects to a remote server that you can use to test SSH connections in Pomerium Zero.

Install Pomerium CLI

You need the Pomerium CLI client to connect to services like SSH over a TCP connection. See the Pomerium CLI page for installation instructions.

In a terminal, enter the following command and replace CLUSTER_STARTER_DOMAIN with your own:

pomerium-cli tcp ssh.<CLUSTER_STARTER_DOMAIN>.app:22

Initiate the SSH connection:

ssh -p 22

A successful request results in a response similar to the one below:

Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
This is an SSH honeypot. Everything is logged and monitored.

Review starter policy and certificates

Select the Policies tab. In the policies table, you'll notice a default policy that only grants access if the user's email matches the one associated with your Pomerium Zero account:

Reviewing the starter policy in the Zero Console

Update policy

This Starter Policy is assigned to both of the demo routes. You can remove this policy and create your own at any time.

  • Go to the PPL page to learn about Pomerium Policy Language
  • Go to Build Policies to learn how to create and assign policies using the Zero PPL builder

Pomerium automatically provisions and manages TLS certificates issued by ZeroSSL to secure the starter routes in your cluster, and any routes you may build that use your cluster's starter domain.

To see certificates in your cluster, go to the Certificates tab:

View cluster certificates from ZeroSSL

Next Steps

Build your First Route

Add a Custom Domain